Soon after MAMG was founded, one of the firm’s priorities was to organize its pro bono practice, in line with MAMG’s purpose and its understanding of participating in the transformation of society.

In our pro bono practice, all interns, associates, and partners, as well as, for some activities, members of our administrative area can participate, acting in the defense of human rights and citizenship and to strengthen civil society organizations.

We have established partnerships with recognized organizations, and we are part of the national network Instituto Pro Bono and of the international network TrustLaw, an arm of the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

MAMG has also created partnerships and developed philanthropic projects for all employees interested in participating.

See below the list of our pro bono clients and partners so far:


Instituto Vladimir Herzog – Since 2009, Instituto Vladimir Herzog defends democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression. Learn more at:

Instituto Terra – Instituto Terra is a non-profit civil organization founded in April 1998. It is focused on environmental restoration and sustainable rural development in the Rio Doce Valley. Learn more at:

Brazilians in Tech – Brazilians in Tech is a platform to connect, encourage and empower Brazilians studying and working in Science, Technology, Computing and Engineering. Learn more at:

Refúgio 343 – Refúgio 343 is a humanitarian organization dedicated to the socio-economic reinsertion of refugees and migrants, working with social development and humanitarian aid through the axes of internalization, education, and shelter, in response to the greatest migratory challenge in the history of the Western Hemisphere. Read more at:

Cidade dos Meninos em Campinas – Cidade dos Meninos de Campinas is an institution that assists approximately 700 children and teenagers in vulnerable situations, through shelter and training for free professional initiation for children and adolescents. Learn more at:

SanFran Social – Sanfran Social is an extension of the University of São Paulo Law School that provides free legal assistance to NGOs and Third Sector institutions. See more at::

Insolar – Since 2013, Insolar promotes the democratization of access to solar energy in Brazil through the installation of solar panels in low-income communities, but with great human and energy potential. Learn more at:

Centro de Assistência Jurídica Saracura (CAJU) – CAJU is an entity of FGV Direito SP students focused on legal assistance to the vulnerable and underprivileged population and advocacy for causes related to human rights and access to justice, created in 2019. Learn more on CAJU’s Instagram and LinkedIn, respectively: @cajufgv and Centro de Assistencia Juridica Saracura (CAJU).

Coletivo Arouchianos – The collective seeks to ensure visibility, socio-cultural and political occupation, as well as demarcation as a political, social, artistic, cultural, tourist, economic and historical territory of the LGBTHQIAPD+ community, with a focus on downtown São Paulo (especially Largo do Arouche). Learn more about the actions of the Collective at

Instituto BECEI – Founded in 1995, the institute has a library that serves the Paraisópolis community. It also organizes campaigns for the donation of food and other items. Learn more at

Liga Solidária – A non-profit Civil Society Organization (OSC) that for 100 years has been driven by the belief that a fairer society with more opportunities is possible if we promote the encounter of love, solidarity, and work. It assists, directly and indirectly, 24,000 children, young people, adults, and elderly people in situations of high social vulnerability through 9 social programs divided into 4 axes – Quality Education, Productive Inclusion, Community Bonds, and Longevity. Learn more at